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I like it too honestly. I know there a lot of situations where it like "They useless, destroy them" or "Just sell them" but just having stuff like it around it something I like doing with things like Quest Items. But I don like them taking up my bank space, I really see no actual harm in having special storage for stuff like this added, even IF you can just do other things to free up the space. Women's Swimwear The same Deuteronomy states that women should be proud of their long hair and can wear tassles. Everything else is defined by customs NOT the bible. I'm more comfortable in "women's" clothing if you want to call it that. If you join our group, you will receive a first look at our best ideas and we will work together to develop several ongoing opportunities. Members will have a first look advantage as we develop our thesis and complete deep dives into some of the most lucrative deep value opportunities. Additionally, members will receiv...